The beginning of a new chapter

The draft for the next post is now going through a process of rewriting. As you’ll see soon, it’ll offer some improvements.

First, the writing style is different. Previously I tried to stick with the pseudo-classical one chosen by Bakin, the original author. However, the next post prioritizes his spirit rather than his superficial style. That, I’ suspect, is the secret to his success. It’s the spirit of quality entertainment.

This idea prompted me to be more flexible in other areas too.

Wouldn’t it be better to update it more often, even if it means each post will be shorter… much shorter? Currently the basic idea is to update once a month, but all the Internet lore tells you to update frequently to attract more readers. That’s why Shonen Jump (Weekly Jump) publishes weekly and compiles popular titles into individual volumes later (…BTW I loved the latest volume of Jojolion).

So the second improvement is more frequent update, whenever possible. Each post will be very short though. I plan to do a poll to see how you like these changes and would appreciate your input then and now. Feel free to leave a comment so I can prepare the poll better.

See you soon.

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