Promising Translators contest 2018: Aaaaaannnd the winner is…!

I admit. I’ve been totally defeated. I could not translate enough to upload for the month of June. On my Facebook page I said give me a week. A week passed and there was still no update. Then two weeks. Nothing. Let’s not make any excuses but only assure you that I am as passionate about this project, thinking almost around the clock, every single day, about the adventures the brave princess and eight dog warriors embark on.  I feel very lucky to be working on all the projects I’m currently working on, treasuring  each one as dearly as any other (Well I did work very hard to get them! (≧∇≦)), but the Legend of the Eight Samurai Hounds certainly occupies a special place in my heart.

And now for something completely different.

The winners have been announced for Promising Translators 2018 contest held by Self Taught Japanese, him/herself published translator. Some readers may remember one of my recent blog articles in which I wondered whether to join the contest. In the end I did, with some paragraphs selected from Episode 1, and I won, to my absolute joy and disbelief at the time and as you can see from the medal I proudly display now (see sidebar on the right).

I can’t believe it’s not butter!?


My good friend Alan Hauk, despite his incredibly busy schedule, gave me many insightful suggestions, thanks to which I made some significant improvements. Janine Beichman, the acclaimed scholar and translator of Japanese literature also looked through it and offered some wonderful advice and courage in midst her business trip. It needed a lot of attention and care, and my own time was very limited too, so I don’t believe I could have enough confidence without all this help. I’m not even sure if I entered the contest in the first place, without the encouraging comment from a reader. Thanks so much for all your support!! Thanks, Self Taught Japanese, for giving me a chance too!

Aaaaaaaaaannd the next episode… please be patient. Right now I can’t even predict how long it’ll take, but it will be delivered for sure!

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